The Certified Professional in CPD (Healthcare) credential is a new formal designation for those engaged professionally in the discipline of CPD. It recognizes the achievement of CPD leaders, program developers, researchers and administrators, whether physicians or non-physicians and will launch in early 2021.
This new credential was created by the Coalition for Physician Learning and Practice Improvement, a group of eight leading physician medical associations, federations and colleges in Canada. It was developed based on the recommendations put forth in the 2019 Future of Medical Education in Canada (FMEC) CPD report. The report describes a new CPD system that supports physician learning and practice improvement and sustains innovation and quality improvement for the health of Canadians. This credential offers one approach to achieve this end.
CPD had been working closely with the Coalition to create a pathway for those interested in the credential. Through the certificate route, CPD professionals who complete both CPD Foundations and the Leading and Influencing Change in CPD programs offered by CPD are eligible to be considered for the credential. The leadership route offers those with senior leadership experience in CPD another avenue to apply. Complete details about the credential, the application process and review can be found on the Coalition website set to launch in early January.